搜索引擎优化是通过对网站结构、内容和外部链接等方面进行优化,提高网站在搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)中的排名,从而增加网站的曝光度和流量,SEO 主要包括关键词研究、页面优化、内容创作、网站结构优化等方面,通过合理的关键词布局和高质量的内容创作,能够吸引搜索引擎的爬虫抓取网站,并将其展示在相关搜索结果的首页,提高网站的点击率和转化率。
英语表达:Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to improve the ranking of a website in search engine result pages (SERPs) through optimizing website structure, content and external links, etc., so as to increase the website's exposure and traffic. SEO mainly includes keyword research, page optimization, content creation, website structure optimization, etc. Through reasonable keyword layout and high-quality content creation, it can attract search engine crawlers to crawl the website and display it on the home page of relevant search results, improving the click-through rate and conversion rate of the website.
搜索引擎营销是通过在搜索引擎平台上投放广告,来提高网站的曝光度和流量,SEM 主要包括百度竞价排名、百度网盟推广等方式,百度竞价排名是根据企业出价和关键词质量得分,来确定广告在搜索引擎结果页面中的排名,出价越高、关键词质量得分越高,广告的排名就越靠前,百度网盟推广则是通过与其他网站合作,将广告展示在这些网站上,实现广告的广泛传播。
英语表达:Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to increase the website's exposure and traffic by placing ads on search engine platforms. SEM mainly includes Baidu竞价排名 (Baidu bidding ranking) and Baidu Network Promotion. Baidu bidding ranking determines the ranking of ads in search engine result pages according to enterprise bidding and keyword quality score. The higher the bidding and keyword quality score, the higher the ranking of the ads. Baidu Network Promotion realizes the wide spread of ads by cooperating with other websites and displaying ads on these websites.
英语表达:Information flow advertising is an advertising form based on social media platforms or news information platforms. It integrates advertisements into users' information flows and improves the click-through rate and conversion rate through algorithm recommendations and personalized display. Information flow advertising has the characteristics of diverse forms, accurate placement and good user experience, and can better meet the needs and interests of users.
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