在Jenkins Plugin页面搜索与相关的插件,有如下几个:
- CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin — This plugin provides the ability to build projects with a Dockerfile, and publish the resultant tagged image (repo) to the docker registry.
- Docker build step plugin — This plugin allows to add various Docker commands into you job as a build step.
- Docker Plugin — This plugin allows slaves to be dynamically provisioned using Docker.
- Kubernetes Plugin — This plugin allows slaves to be dynamically provisioned on multiple Docker hosts using Kubernetes.
- Docker Commons Plugin — APIs for using Docker from other plugins.
- Docker commons Plugin为其他与Docker相关的插件提供了APIs
- CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin和Docker build step plugin都依赖了Docker commons Plugin
- Kubernetes Plugin依赖了Docker Plugin
下面主要介绍下 build step plugin和CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin的使用。
设置Docker URL
系统管理→系统设置→Docker Builder,设置Docker URL并连接。
在Jenkins JOB的构建区域,增加构建步骤→Execute Docker container
有一系列Docker Command可选择
选择Restart containers命令,并填写 ID(s):
Jenkins JOB创建成功后,点击构建,日志输出如下:
以Push镜像到Docker registry为例
选择Push images命令,并填写相关信息:
Jenkins JOB创建成功后,点击构建,日志输出如下:
在Jenkins JOB的构建区域,增加构建步骤→Docker Build and Publish
此外,Docker Build Publish Plugin还要一些高级选项