Boost your website with feature-rich tables that your visitors will love!
TablePress is the most popular and highest-rated WordPress table plugin.
- Easily create, edit, and manage beautiful and modern data tables, no matter if small or large!
- 为你的网站访客提供实时的排序、分页、搜索 等更多互动功能!
- 使用任意数据类型,插入图片、链接,甚至数学公式!
- 导入 和 导出 表格从/到 Excel、CSV、HTML 以及 JSON 文件或 URL。
- 使用块编辑器或者简码将表格嵌入到文章、页面,或者网站的其它位置。
- 完全不需要编程知识!
Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!
访问插件网站 获取更多信息,看一看 示例表格,或者 在免费测试站点上试用 TablePress。要获取最新消息,请关注 @TablePress 的 Twitter 信息流,或者订阅 TablePress 新闻。
安装插件之后,您可以在 WordPress 控制面板的“TablePress”页面创建或者管理表格。
To insert a table into a post or page, add a “TablePress table” block in the block editor and select the desired table or use Shortcodes with common page builders.
Beginner-friendly step-by-step tutorials, guides, and how-tos show how to achieve common and popular tasks with TablePress.
Examples for common styling changes via “Custom CSS” code can be found on the TablePress FAQ page.
You may also add certain features (like sorting, pagination, filtering, alternating row colors, row highlighting, print name and/or description, …) by enabling the corresponding checkboxes on a table’s “Edit” screen.